Tribe Of Judah Tribe Of Judah

Ambiguous Headdress

You wear it well
You wear it well
She'll wear it in whatever the wheater
An accessory for every occasion
Although I find it rather peculiar
She's never one to offend
Angelic pirouette on a pin prick
I saw a sacred cow chewing her cud
Tarot telling tales from a transcript
And Virgo always knows
Her time of the month

Your wear it well
She's so mysterious
You wear it well
Color me curious

I asked her where on earth
Did she get it?
She said it was thread
From all over the world
It looked as if it fit her perfect
She replied all sizes fit all
Butterflies in the belly of Buddha
Karma karma karma chameleon
All is one is all an illusion
Like everything else
Under the Sun

You wear it well
She's so mysterious
You wear it well
Color me curious

You wear it well
Like a leopard-skin-pill-box
You wear it well
Ambiguous headdress

You wear it well
Like a leopard-skin-pill-box
You wear it well
Ambiguous headdress

Bowing to an arbitrary altar
Meditate on the measure of man
Prostrate to a presupposition
Subjection to an impotence
Glory to a God of good fortune
Confessing a solemn memory
Exalting an ambiguous ethic
Hallowed habitually